Wednesday 17 February 2016

Video conference with Israel

As part of the school's commitment to interfaith learning through dialogue and cultural exchange; on Tuesday,16 April 2016, five students from grade 8 took part in a video conference with a school from Israel called Reut Middle School. The video conference was hosted by the Tony Blair Foundation's Face to Faith online programme. The online learning community was designed to deliver a pioneering education programme to help prevent religious and ideological conflict. This organisation facilitates video conferences with many different faith schools from any country with different backgrounds. The students share views about peace life-style and culture. When we shared and listen to each other, the students learn to embrace an open-minded approach to others, to accept diversity and learn to have greater tolerance.

It was a great activity introduced to the students in IB MYP Individuals & Societies (InS) as part of the schools humanities classes in grade 8, taught by Pak Donny. It was a really fun experience for the students.
The most interesting part is; on that day, on the same hour, SVP's neighbouring school, Sekolah Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, is also conducting a video conference with Palestinian Students from a School in Palestine.  Here are some Video and photos of the video conference:

 (Students from AL-Azhar have a video conference with Palestine Students at the same time with SVO conduct a video conference with Israel students.)

(SVP students are happy and excited to have a video conference with their fellow from Israel school)

( Laughing face @ SVP)

( Teacher and students in peace projects to make the world a better place)

Thursday 17 December 2015

Sociology with Ms. Judith

In the 2nd unit of Sociology, Grade 10 students have been studying the concept of dramaturgy that was developed by a Sociologist named Erving Goffman in 1959. Goffman’s idea was that life is like a never-ending play in which people are actors. When we are born, we are thrust onto a stage called everyday life, and our socialization consists of learning how to play our assigned roles from other people. He believed that whatever we do, we are playing out some role on the stage of life.

To gain a deeper understanding of this concept, Grade 10 and 12 A2 students did experiential learning by watching a drama performance titled, 'Inspektur Jendral' by Teater Koma in Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Ms. Elvira Damayanti introduced us to two Maestros, Mr. Nano Riantiarno and Mrs. Ratna Riantiarno, who built Teater Koma, the most famous performing arts group in Indonesia. We were extremely lucky to have a chance to meet them and interview them about the group and their repertoire. We even had a special opportunity to walk around observing backstage before the play. 

Mr. Nano and Mrs. Ratna Riantiarno told us that the ‘Inspektur Jendral’ is the 142nd production. Teater Koma was found on March 1, 1977 in Jakarta. As a drama group, Teater Koma has a good reputation in Indonesia. They often perform in the Jakarta Arts Center, Taman Ismail Marzuki, TVRI, Jakarta Arts Building (Gedung Kesenian Jakarta) and also in other cities outside Jakarta. Currently the group is supported by 30 active members and 50 members. Mr. Nano Riantiarno is the central figure whose role is not only as leader, but also as a director and screenwriter. His wife, Mrs. Ratna, is an actress and the prima-donna of the group and also acts as the performing arts manager.

In the backstage while they were doing the make up
The performers were practicing on the stage before the show
An hour before the play started, we were able to go backstage and see the players putting on their makeup and costumes. When we talked to the backstage crew, they said that they started the makeup and hair 6 hours before the play. The most interesting part in observing backstage was that the students found out that none of the players were seen reading the script. We saw some of them practicing, some of them preparing the music, and some of them hanging around, eating, talking and relaxing with the others. It seemed that they already memorized the script and were confident enough with their capability to perform.
The play was opened by the big sound of a gong then the play began. Inspektur Jendral is a play originally made by Nikolai Gogol in the 19th century that was adopted into Bahasa Indonesia by Teater Koma with using the concept of wayang. The play takes place in a remote town called Ananta Bura, Astina, ruled by a corrupt government, when a message is abruptly delivered from the capital that says an Inspector General will be visiting and inspecting the town incognito. The play is largely a political satire of the government and though it was written in the 19th century, it proves to still be relevant in today’s world.

The show
That day, the students went home with a new experience, not only watching a drama performance in a real art building, but also experiencing the ambience of high culture.

Mr. Nano and Mrs. Ratna Riantiarno took a photo with us in the backstage
After the excursion, the students need to make a report. Below are some example of their work

Dramaturgy Analysis based on the drama play Inspektur Jendral by Teater Koma - Christina Stephanie

A man named Erving Goffman once develop the concept that ‘life is like a never ending
play’ in which the actors are everyday people. He believed that whatever we do, we are
playing out some role on the stage of life. I mpression management is a goal-directed
conscious or unconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of
other people about a person, object or event; they do so by regulating and controlling
information in social interaction. With dramaturgy, people give the impression of a certain
character they “play” to impose the meaning of who or what they are.
According to Goffman, we use these 3 mechanics in which he calls ‘s ign vehicles’ to
present ourselves to others ; social setting, appearance, and manners of interacting. T he
social setting is the physical place where interaction occurs. It could be a doctor’s
examination room, a hallway, someone’s home, or a professor’s office. How we arrange our
spaces, and what we put in them, conveys a lot of information about us. Appearance also
speaks volumes about us - race, clothing, physical stature, stereotypes. O ur manner of
interacting consists of the attitudes we convey in an attempt to get others to form certain
impressions about us. One of the most common ways to convey attitudes is through
nonverbal communication, the ways we have of communicating that do not use spoken
words. In which this includes gestures, facial expressions and body language.
The play that we watched, ‘Inspektur Jendral’ applied IM in the front stage as an
1. The character ‘Inspektur Jendral’ (at least from who they thought was him) use the
method in appearance, and manners of interacting as a strategy to impose that he
is ‘Inspektur Jendral’ - Wearing fancy clothes, speaking and behaving like a person
from ‘Ibukota’ (with class, courtesy) as he successfully impose the meaning as one.
2. With the strategy of manners of interacting and appearance, 5 colorful women
(Canguk, Limbik, Plitit, Srikayon, Bunguk) became a main attention to the
audience as they demonstrated the characters of ‘rebels’ or ‘protesters’ - colorful
abstract cosmetics, clothing and the behaviour of one who’s dictating and wants to
have a say in how things run.
3. As well as the other 4 characters who play as ministers, impose the meaning of
their ‘power’ to the lower level characters like merchants and sellers, and their
ability to manipulate the system. The fancy white clothing and the behavior of a
Impression management works as they showcase and makes it easier for the audience
to reckon out and guess what each character is. Simply, what I notice actually is that
characters who stand in higher social standing have shinier clothes compare to characters
to just play as sellers or merchants. Impression management for me is acting itself, the
costumes, the tone of speaking, the gestures. I have to say, even the audience were
successfully manipulated to the thought Anta Hinimba is ‘Inspektur Jendral’. The acting
worked, front stage worked, and this showcase as well that everyone can be the victim of
dramaturgy and impression management.
We had the opportunity to go backstage before the show started, so I was able to meet a
couple of characters in their costume already, and even took pictures with the character
‘Yogi’ (who was said to be a servant). Although it was clear how they looked like - their
appearance, I couldn’t really recall what character they play. This proves that Impression
Management isn’t easily successful if only one strategy is shown, and that manners of
interacting, personal space and social setting plays a huge role to impose meanings of one.
In this case, costumes and appearance isn’t enough to impose that the character ‘Yogi’ I met
is a servant. However, after watching the play, listening to his story, how he acts does
impose that he is a servant.
Learning this topic, has taught me to“Choose your self-presentation very carefully, for
what starts out as a mask may become your face” - Erving Goffman also warned about his
concept of situated identities, the self that can be identified with the role one is currently
playing. They define us in reference to the role we are playing at a given time. And that the
character we are playing could posses us and end up being who we are.
From the play we watched, they were actually trying display the real life incident of
KPK and corruption in which we can relate on. With how even the ‘poor’ characters bribe
the rich-high social standing characters, and even then the rich-high social standing
characters bribe richer-higher social standing characters. There was no exact solution told
in the play, however if we observe further this stands a question for us, whether we are
going to continue like this, with corrupting and deceive. That we will easily be fooled of who
actually runs the control of our government system? The solution of this is for us to stop
being careless and foolish, and stick with the right morals. That bribing doesn’t actually
work and people who have power tends to take advantage of it.
SparkNotes. Retrieved November 10, 2015, from

Drama Analysis
Maria Regine Levanty A.S
10 Centaurus

Impression Management is the effort to influence other’s perspective of something or someone. This theory explains that we try to make a perception consistent with our goals by regulating and controlling information during social interaction. The most common type of impression management is self-presentation and presentation of merchandise.

‘Inspektur Jendral’ by Teater Koma actually use this theory in many ways possible, for example in how they perform, the actors are doing their characters and they have to make audiences’ perception towards their characters is consistent with what they want it to be, or how it should be. For example, there is this one character called Anta Hinimba and the real actor is Rangga Riantiarno, his goal is to perform as another person and influence audiences’ perspective of his character by acting, by doing things that is representing its (the character) characteristics hence achieving his goal. The rest of the actors also do it, obviously, because that’s the goal of a drama, to become someone else and to convince audience about a character.

‘Inspektur Jendral’ also applies impression management during many scenes, such as when the officials using ingratiation; one of impression management strategies; or to be precise, they emphasize their own positive attributes to the fake “inspector general” so he would like them. But, the officials aren’t the only one that uses ingratiation; Mayor Ananta Bura uses it also; even so, they (officials and mayor) using different techniques of ingratiation. The officials are using self-presentation ingratiation, which is to promoting themselves. The mayor is using other enhancement ingratiation and also favor-doing ingratiation; other enhancement ingratiation is when the ingratiator (mayor) compliments the target individual (fake inspector general). In the case of favor-doing ingratiation,

I believe that the mayor has done a pretty good job, even though I still think he is foolish and simpleminded; favor-doing ingratiation is the method of seeming helpful and considerate to the target individual, just like what Mayor did, to gain the inspector general’s good thoughts of him. Then, the intimidation done by mayor towards his folks also shows the application of impression management, he wants the folk of Ananta Bura have this intimidated or even feared feelings towards him, even though he’s just a half-baked leader. The fake inspector general was doing impression management towards people in the town, because he is trying to influence their perspective so they think he is the real inspector general. He has done a great job, I suppose.For me, all the impression management they’ve done was satisfying and acceptable, whatever their goal is, I am sure it has been achieved. They succeed in influencing the audience (me) to build my perspective of someone. For me, the mayor (played by Budi Ros) is; again; foolish and simpleminded person who likes to bribe and flatter someone to get what he want. See? It is what the actor’s goal, to make the audience believe that the mayor IS that kind of person. On the other hand, I believe that the impression management in the play itself can’t really be considered as successful or not, because the play is meant to be like that, it already has the flow. Their impression management successfully influences my feelings towards Anta Hinimba and Mayor Ananta Bura, I take a  favor in Anta Hinimba because I like the way he represents himself as ‘inspector general’. His impression management towards the folks in town succeeds and making him a good actor, he’s tricky in case of getting what he wants. Mayor Ananta Bura himself did quite a good job influencing my perspective of him, making me see him as someone loathsome, doing corruption, flattering someone just to get what he wants, and being fooled to boost.

In the back stage before the performance, I could see that everyone is busy preparing the performance; it is their top priority at the moment. Make-ups, dresses, and rehearsals, also briefing can be seen when I see the backstage before the play. I didn’t go to the backstage after performance, but like any other play, we can guess that they will change their dress, have celebration of their success, more or so.

There are some social interactions in the performance, such as the direct social interaction itself (conversation). Then there are letters and gestures being used to interact between people. Actually, in this drama, there is one obvious social problem, which is corruption and fraud. The officials have done the corruption, and also they bribe each other with money. In the performance, it’s not clear that the social problem has been solved or not. But I believe it hasn’t because the show ended with a cliffhanger, they just knew that they have been tricked after doing corruption and fraud. They haven’t been sentenced of that crime.

Resources: management-dramaturgy-symbolic-interaction.html

Monday 14 December 2015

Learning Human Rights


Human rights are a standard of living that allows people to live in dignity and justice. Every human being has it just simply because they are human. This is necessary for young learners to learn the topic because their understanding will help them to make good decisions either for themselves or people around them. 

To start the topic the students work in groups and draw a body outline then they cut and paste words or picture from newspaper or magazine to represent a human.

Then the students present their ideas and opinions about what a human is and the environment. This activity leads the students to define human rights and to find the relation between needs and rights


InS with Mr Young; 2015-16

Unit 1 of InS 2015-16 was title Conflict Vs Development. 

Students were asked to create a series of fictional letters, based on the historical events of the Indonesian War of Independence; showing how the concepts of conflict and development are often two-sides of the same coin. They were also asked to evaluate the credibility of a website source of their choice.

One of the formative assessment activities involved students creating a Visual Thinking Strategy to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts.

The following is a random selection

By Farrel Akbar (9 Everest)




The following work is by Shafira from 9 Andes which portrays love letters to and from Soekarno and his wife.

Letter 1:

My beloved husband,
Mas Soekarno
20 January 1947

I might be not the only wife that you love most or maybe the only you loved, but all of your hard work for this country is breathtaking for me. Remember 1 June 1943? On that dau I am officially your wife and you are officially my husband. Your eyes and smile are my life inspiration. Your eyes are ablaze with the light of love. Your smile is full of affection.

I hope you’re fine in Bangka Island, don’t forget to take care of your health Mas. Guntur and me always pray for your safety, success, and health here. Not only our children and I, but the entire Indonesia is here to support you.

Guntur and me have missed you so much Mas. I went to a midwife yesterday, she said that I’ll give a birth for around the upcoming 3 days and the baby is a girl. I’m thinking the name for her. Maybe Megawati Soekarnoputri will be great. Megawati means shield, in hope that she can be a strong woman, even though she is a girl but it is important to be strong. I want her to be like you strong as a shield, passionate, and fight for something that is decent to be fight. Her last name is will be your name “Soekarno” and “putri”, means that she is your daughter.  

This sweet little creature has hitting my tummy for plenty of times, and every time she hit I’m always hoping that you’re here, next to me. I want you to know about her growing. I want our baby to know that she have a responsible daddy like you.

Mas, please take care of your self there. Reply my message if you have time, so I know that you’re okay there. Sorry to bother you I just want to tell you what’s happening here to keep us in touch and tell you that I care. Don’t forget to pray and eat Mas Soekarno. I Love You.

Your Love,

Letter 2:

My love,
Mas Soekarno
13 February 1953

Mas, how are you? I really hope that you’re fine. Take care of yourself. I’m really sorry if I bother you by sending this letter but I’m just worried about you. I miss you.

Our five children have no longer a little baby any more. They are all grown up. Thank you for being a responsible father and husband for the past 6 years. Thank You. Being a wife is not only taking care of the children, husband, house works, and other. But her main responsibility is to protect her household. I could not believe that you want to marry Hartini. Why Mas? Why?! Isn’t it enough to have our children and me?

I’m really sorry to tell you this, but I could not live in the Istana anymore, I will leave this Istana when all of my children are ready. I did not want to leave now please take care of our children, and tell them that I love each and every one of them very much. Remind our daughters and sons that I’ll never forget about them and never let them think that I hate them or I leave this Istana because of them. I’ll visit the Istana couple of time just to make sure that they are all right. I’m sorry that I could not give you any reason why I end up with this decision.

Don’t forget to reply my letter if you can. All of us love and miss you so much mas. Again, We miss you.

Your Darling,


Letter 3

My beloved husband,
Mas Soekarno
20 January 1956

Mas, how are you? I saw you in the TV this morning you look handsome and full of wisdom as always. I’m proud of you. Keep on fighting for this country, believe me the right will get the victory. It’s just the matter of time. Be patient, keep up the good work, you can do this Mas!

Wherever you are, don’t forget to take care of yourself. I’m planning to leave this Istana in the upcoming 3 months. This may be the last letter that I’ll send to you because I really want to spend my ninety days left with my beloved children. I’m sorry, I promise to visit them a couple of times. Remember to take care of them, and tell to our daughters and sons that I love them so much, they can visit me if they missed me. Please let them to visit me if they want to.

I’m always hoping that all of your hard work will paid by the victory of Indonesia. We miss you. We love you. Remember that if you need something we’re here for you, to support and help. You can sent a letter if you want to. You can do this Mas, I believe in you. I love you, thank you for everything.

Your wife,


Craap Test
Currency: the timeliness of the information [1-10]
  • When was the information published or posted?
5 months ago
  • Has the information been revised or updated?
  • Is the information current or out-of date for your topic?
No, because their information is much the same with other links and more detail
  • Are the links functional?
Yes, the author explain it really well. He/she using a simple word and explaining it in detail.

Score: 10

Relevance: the importance of the information for your needs [1-10]
  • Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?
  • Who is the intended audience?
Teenagers to adult, because the author explaining it really simple so it’s easy to be understood
  • Is the information at an appropriate level (i.e. not too elementary or advanced for your needs)?
Appropriate, I could not find any sentences that the author being bias Have you looked at a variety of sources before determining this is one you will use?
Yes, and this website is the best over all
  • Would you be comfortable using this source for a research paper?
Yes, very much

Score: 10

Authority: the source of the information [1-10]
  • Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?
The did not write it
  • Are the author's credentials or organizational affiliations given?
  • What are the author's credentials or organizational affiliations given?
  • What are the author's qualifications to write on the topic?
  • Is there contact information, such as a publisher or e-mail address?
  • Does the URL reveal anything about the author or source?
examples: .com (commercial), .edu (educational), .gov (U.S. government),
.org (nonprofit organization), or .net (network)

Score: 1
Accuracy: the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content [1-10]
  • Where does the information come from?
The author did not write it, but all of the information are the same compare to other website
  • Is the information supported by evidence?
  • Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
  • Can you verify any of the information in another source or from personal knowledge?
Yes, all of the website that I read has the same information but I choose this website because it’s much more easy to read
  • Does the language or tone seem biased and free of emotion?
  • Are there spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors?

Score: 5

Purpose: the reason the information exists [1-10]
  • What is the purpose of the information? to inform? teach? sell? entertain? persuade?
To informs
  • Do the authors/sponsors make their intentions or purpose clear?
  • Is the information fact? opinion? propaganda?
The information are the same between all website but all of them did not put any evidence
  • Does the point of view appear objective and impartial?
Not really
  • Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases?
No, the information is not bias

Score: 5
TOTAL [31]
By scoring each category on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 = worst, 10=best possible) you can give each site a grade on a 50 point scale for how high-quality it is!
45 - 50 = Excellent / 40 - 44 = Good / 35 - 39 = Average / 30 - 34 = Borderline Acceptable / Below 30 = Unacceptable