Face to Faith @ SVP


   On Wednesday,30 April 2015 several students from grade 8 and 10 took part on a video conference with schools from Ukraine called ‘School 86’,  School from India called Mahatma Montessori Mat Higher Sec School Baba Building, and Al Azhar school from Padang. The video conference was hosted by an online community called ‘Face to Faith’ originally founded by the Tony Blair Foundation. The online learning community was designed to deliver a pioneering education programme to help prevent religious conflict and Ideology extremism. How? Apparently by conducting a video conference with a different school from any country, as just sharing about our life and what it’s like living in your country. When we shared and listen to each other, we learn to embrace an open-minded approach to others, to accept diversity and learn to have greater tolerance.

It was a great activity introduced to the students in a humanities lesson by Pak Donny. It was a really cool and fun experience for most of the students, it was different and exciting.

The scheme of  face to faith programme:

Macintosh HD:Users:donnyanugerah:Desktop:essential of dialogue.png

Some pictures from preparation until the day:

Preparation for the face to faith conference, it need more than one week preparation for the inteligence of grades 8 to find out about the schools culture and background so they will not get confused in the face to faith conference.

Macintosh HD:Users:donnyanugerah:Downloads:C360_2015-10-01-12-40-19-174.jpg

The D day: they are fully ready to enggage in healthy dialogue.
Macintosh HD:Users:donnyanugerah:Downloads:20151202_145822 (1).jpg

The show must go on, Though some times the internet connection is not too good at that time, but the students keep on high spirit to join the vide confence.
Macintosh HD:Users:donnyanugerah:Downloads:20151202_150513.jpg

I have included my reflections on the VC below, as well as some possible improvement in the future”

Evidence of beginning to or good dialogue 
The VC started by the students introducing themselves, their schools, and the are they live in, Different diversity and multi-national and huge number of different people from different religions is the main point the student use to introduce the community,

Student from Sekolah Victory said that they have Five different religions and we have different many cultures"

Students from other schools also give information about their schools.
Students give definition of faith value and belief depending on their own opinion such as: trust, closer and makes the people more united.

The school helps us to creativity through activities inside the classroom and outside.

We can not live without faith, without faith, I can not get on values and without the values we can not live happily.

Religion is confidence, and good deeds give us advantages while bad deeds punish them.

Suggestions for improving the VC experience next time:

  • It will be a great idea if  the internet connection much better in the future because Victory is only join the disscussion for 15 minutes and after that cut off from the dialogue.
  • Secondly, I hope in the future the schools that join in the face to faith is not too many, because 4 schools is too many
  • Third, I think it will be much better that the time of the VC is at the school time so the students will not get too tired
  • Fourth, The students that join must be not more that 5 because if too many it will reduce the quality of the dialogue.

Though there are a lot of obstacles in arranging the face to faith conference, but I can conclude that the students is happy and great job grade 8’s boys and girls, because of a lot of preparation that they do before the face to faith conference.

By Pak Donny, Teacher of grade 8 InS (MYP)


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